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Video Conferencing Solutions Improve Focus on Unified Communication

People sitting in a conference room having a meeting on a video call.

Find the latest conferencing technology for your office by working with PAC

No matter what type of business you own, implementing unified communication at the workplace is the key to keeping remote workers and clients connected. Besides improving customer service, it also helps enhance internal day-to-day operations and improves productivity and collaboration among remote and in-office employees. 

That being said, video conferencing solutions play a significant part in making office communications more cohesive, particularly if your company operates in more than one location. Plus, they help make your organization more scalable and accommodating to any future changes.

Being a dealer of the latest technology brands, Pacific Audio & Communications can help you find the latest technology that best fits your Honolulu, HI, office. Read on to see some of our top picks.

SEE ALSO: Make Meetings More Effective with Huddle Rooms and Video Conferencing!

Video Walls

If your business frequently holds meetings with large groups of people, consider adding an interactive video wall for a better video conferencing experience. 

Besides delivering high-quality 4K visuals, the interactive technology allows employees to use touchscreens to control different aspects of the conference and display multiple points of information simultaneously.

In short, the color-rich displays offer enhanced visuals that are ideal for relaying information to a large group of people. The display’s sheer size allows for presenting different content at once, making video walls a much more convenient solution for large businesses than projectors or smaller, more standard displays. PAC can help you choose a custom video wall that best fits your conferencing requirements. 

Digital Whiteboards

Digital whiteboards have become one of the most popular conferencing solutions today. They work just like actual whiteboards except, by being digital, they can be accessed by any team member at any time.

Employees can share information during the conference with the entire group using these whiteboards. Any shared information can easily be saved and shared outside of the meeting, making it a more efficient solution. The variety of media types team members can use to share information on a digital whiteboard is vast, and the ability to simply save any information shared all but eliminates the need to take down notes manually.

Our team will ensure your conferencing solutions include digital whiteboards for increased efficiency. 

Room Scheduling

If your video conferencing technology does not include room scheduling, you’re missing out on technology that can make your meetings much smoother. With room scheduling, employees can book meetings using an interactive touch interface that displays the real-time status of any conference room. This allows workers to streamline operations and prevents the hassle of accidental meeting overlaps. Reservations and cancellations only require a press of a button. 

The right video conferencing solutions can make communication at your office more cohesive. Work with PAC, and we will help you pick custom solutions that enhance your conferencing experience. Call 808-320-8463 or fill out an easy online contact form for more details. 

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