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Pacific Audio & Communications Hires Pono Nauka as General Manager of Oahu Operations.


Honolulu, HI. – Sept 29, 2020 – Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii, has hired Pono Nauka as General Manager of Oahu Operations.

Pono brings with him more than 20 years of experience in the custom electronics integration field. He has worked with both commercial, residential contractors and clients. Pono holds numerous certifications from CEDIA, Crestron, Control4, Lutron, HAA, and ISF to name a few.

In his role prior to joining Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii, Pono has spent time in all aspects of the industry including; sales, operations, programming, engineering, documentation, and installation.  Philip Mulligan, CEO Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii, said “We’re extremely excited to have Pono back on the team. His depth of experience, knowledge and management capabilities will complement our growing business in Hawaii.”

More information about Pono Nauka is available at the company’s About Us page.

For more information, contact Pat Mulligan at (808)-870-1615. Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii. 

Introducing a New Smart Home Automation Tool, Josh AI!

Learn About a Brilliant, Voice-Controlled System and Its Many Benefits

To provide the best services for your Honolulu, HI home, Pacific Audio and Communications constantly looks for cutting-edge products. As soon as we heard of a new smart home tool that uses the most intuitive, AI-learning based software, we had to look closer.

What can this revolutionary product, which won CEDIA 2017’s Best Product and Res Tech Editor’s Choice in 2018, do for you? Josh AI is a new player in the smart home automation game that we can’t wait to introduce to our Hawaii customers. Keep reading to see why we love!

SEE MORE: Our Company Wins Coveted HTA Luxury Distinction
What Does Josh Do? is a full-service home automation tool that you can control with your voice. It can operate lighting, security, A/V systems and anything else you’ve added to your smart home. Just like similar devices, you can remotely access every room in your house from your mobile phone -- and even pan the room to double-check that devices have turned off after your command.

Worried about integrating something shiny and new with your existing systems? collaborates seamlessly with almost any brand used in smart home automation, including Control4, Crestron, Sonos, Savant, Lutron and countless others. Chances are, if we’ve installed something for you, some of this hardware lives in your house, but Josh complements all those functionalities to create one, integrated smart home. Pacific Audio and Communications can add it to both older and newer homes.

Place on Wall and Play
The device mounts to your wall and looks flawless with virtually any decor style. Pacific Audio and Communications can flush-mount your device so that only the screen shows if you prefer. The screen lights up with different colors, depending on the nature of the command.

Josh Micro’s far-flung microphone capabilities mean you can speak from far away, and the device picks up your voice and accurately interprets your request. Because its programmers enabled Josh to understand commands contextually, you’ll hardly ever need to repeat yourself to get the device to comprehend you. Its intuitive technology even grasp phrases like, “It’s too bright in here!” and respond by lowering the shades. Similarly, you can say “Turn it off!” If the last device Josh activated were the lights, he’d know to turn them back off.

How Is Josh Different?
If you have an Alexa or Siri device or are familiar with their capabilities, operating a Micro won’t seem vastly different at first. What you’ll notice as you explore the device, though, is that it becomes more responsive to commands the longer you use it.

According to Josh’s website, “Josh is a home’s best friend. And like a dog, Josh is intelligent, responsive, and learns his owner’s commands. While other smart home control systems only know one trick, Josh combines all aspects of smart homes into one friendly, well-trained responder. Josh is your companion, and always happy to see you come home.” makes privacy a priority by storing all commands locally. Founders Tim Gill and Alex Capecelatro aimed to make one of the most secure and data-conscious inventions of its time: The devices don’t sell ads or use any of your personal data, like the competitors.

Exclusive, Dealer-Only Device products are currently only sold to select dealers, such as Pacific Audio and Communications. We can install the device, integrate it with your other smart home automation devices and provide ongoing support. Contact Pacific Audio and Communications to see this exciting new product in your home!

Don’t Worry, King Integration Customers; We’re Here For You

Former King customers will get the same level of care and professionalism from Pacific Audio & Communications, and there will be no disruption in your service

First off, all of us at Pacific Audio & Communications want to extend a warm welcome to the King Integration customers who’ve recently joined our community. We understand how a transition like this can be a challenge, and we know you have questions about us, what we do and how this change impacts your existing home automation systems.

These questions are perfectly understandable, and we want to hear from you. But we also thought it would be helpful to give you a brief overview of our company, the services we provide and what you can expect in the days and months ahead as this changeover occurs. While we have locations all over Hawaii, we want to reassure the new members of our family in the Kailua-Kona region that we’re here for all your home automation needs.

SEE ALSO: Pacific Audio & Communications Earns Coveted HTA Luxury Certification


Since our founding in 1991, PAC has worked tirelessly to establish ourselves as the premier electronics systems integrators not only in Hawaii, but other states such as California and Nevada. In Hawaii, we have officers in Maui, Kauai, Oahu and The Big Island. Our team has completed more than 1,000 installations and been recognized for our work in major industry publications. We’ve earned other awards as well, including a Best Overall award in the Large Home Theater category during the 2008 CEDIA Expo.


Our approach is to work with homeowners as well as building professionals – architects, designers, contractors, electricians, etc. – to provide complete, easy-to-use solutions that blend well with your home’s interior aesthetic. We design and install a wide range of home automation systems, including custom home theaters and media rooms, home networking, automated security, distributed audio and video systems, lighting control and energy management.

Our service doesn’t end once your system is installed, however; through our Client Care Program, we provide ongoing technical support after your system is up and running. We monitor system performance and take care of routine maintenance to keep everything working smoothly. We can even put your home into vacation mode when you’re away on long trips to save energy and prolong the life of your equipment.


Now that we’ve acquired King Integration, we want to reassure their former clients that they can expect the same level of care, service and excellence we provide for our own clients. If you were a King Integration customer, your current systems and services shouldn’t see any change.

Should any issues arise, feel free to let us know and we’ll take care of you. We’ve even brought on the King team to work out of our Kona location, where they’ll lend their experience and expertise to help us serve our new customers. We’re committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

Have more questions about PAC and how the King acquisition will impact you? Please contact us with any concerns you may have. You can call our office on the Big Island at 808-938-1321, fill out our online contact sheet or click on the chat box in the corner of your browser.

We Have Moved To Our New Kauai Offices And Showroom!

We've recently moved to a new building and we're excited to announce all of the features you can enjoy for your integrated electronic needs.

Our new 3000 sqft facility will have dedicated offices for admin, design and engineering, programming, staging, rack building, project management and of course a full showroom and conference/meeting space. All better to support our clientsIf you'd like to schedule a visit, give us a call at our new phone number: (808)3 20-8463And visit us at our new location: 1587 Haleukana St. Ste. 101 lihue Hi 96766

Platinum all around

Platinum all around

We are super excited to have reached the top for each of these manufactures. We have been Lutron and Crestron dealer for over 20 yrs and Control 4 just over 2 years now. On-words and up-words we go.


Press Release: Pacific Audio receives CEDIA outreach Instructor designation

Press Release: Pacific Audio receives CEDIA outreach Instructor designation

For Immediate Release

Continuing Education Courses Available for Design and Build Professionals in Maui, Kauai and Big Island

Local electronic systems professionals deliver training; members of participating organizations earn continuing education units

Kihei, Hawaii (10/21/2015) — Educating architects, building designers, builders, interior designers, and remodelers on ways to increase their business through home technology is top priority for Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii. Recently, Patrick Mulligan, of Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii, received the CEDIA Outreach Instructor (COI) designation from the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association (CEDIA) enabling him to deliver multiple courses approved for continuing education credit by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD), Interior Design Continuing Education Council (IDCEC)-governed interior designer associations (ASID, IIDA, and IDC), and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI).

These COI courses are part of CEDIA’s industry outreach efforts, designed to strengthen collaboration between home technology professionals and the design and build industry. As technology continues to grow and change at a rapid pace, the courses that Patrick Mulligan offers help design and build professionals better understand the capabilities of residential electronic systems. The courses are provided at no charge by Pacific Audio & Communications.
“We work in unison with builders, architects, interior designers, and related professionals to combine grace and elegance with high-tech wizardry” Patrick Mulligan COI
Local chapters of industry partner associations, such as AIA, AIBD, NARI, and ASID are encouraged to contact Pacific Audio & Communications to take advantage of this free education.  Courses cover such topics as hiding technology, planning for residential electronics systems, and home theater design.

About Pacific Audio & Communications Hawaii.
Pacific Audio & Communications (PAC) is one of the nation's premier Electronic Systems Integration Company specializing in design, integration, and installation of electronic systems in residential environments. Since 1991, we have completed over a thousand quality installations in Hawaii, California, and Nevada. Our installations have received national attention in several consumer and trade publications. More info can be found on our website

Why Building a Strong Infrastructure for Your Smart Home Pays Off

Why Building a Strong Infrastructure for Your Smart Home Pays Off

• Increase Resale Value for Your Kauai, Hawaii Property • Let Your Smart Home Automation System Get the Most out of Energy-Saving Technology• Enable mobile control, monitoring with better system integration • Save money, time, and grief when it comes to upgrades, maintenance or additions.

Who’s Wiring Your Home and Do They Know What They’re Doing?

Check out some frequently asked questions about smart home automation and home technology integration and find out why you should work with Pacific Audio and Communications Inc.

  • Do I need a lot of wiring in my home? Couldn’t I just go with wireless solutions?
    • You don’t need a lot of wiring, but you need to ensure what you install is the right kind of wire and is installed correctly. Using the right kind of wire makes a huge difference in performance and future upgrades. A smart installer primes your system for growth by installing conduit points in specific locations to create access for future wiring. Just one conduit install can save you thousands in future upgrades and avoids having to cut into walls, ceilings or floors if you want to incorporate new components, services or upgrades in your smart home automation system.
    • A wireless network relies on strategically placed Access Points which have to be wired to your home network. Cable, phone, alarm and security locations will also need a wiring foundation. The best quality when it comes to internet speed and audio video signals comes from wired systems. By relying on wireless solutions, you also risk interference from neighbors. Wireless is good and will get better, but in some areas wiring will always be the better option. And that wiring needs to be of the best quality and properly installed.
  • What are some considerations when preparing a smart home’s infrastructure?
    • Work with your contractor when finding a low-voltage subcontractor for your project and make sure to ask the following questions:
      • Can they install the systems you want to incorporate in your smart home automation system?
      • Can they provide service and maintenance afterwards? Many low-voltage subcontracts will only take part in the installation and leave users stranded when they face problems.
      • Do they have a reputation for reliable work and systems?
      • Are they licensed?
    • Once you have found the low-voltage contractor you want to work with, make sure you discuss which systems you want to include in your home. When discussing this take both aesthetics and functionality into account:
      • Where do you want to place your main system control panels and equipment?
      • How do you want to interact with your system?
        • Control it from your smartphone with mobile control and monitoring.
        • Find the right user interface for ease-of-use of the system.
        • Will the access be designed for a rental market with multiple users?
      • Don’t fast track through this initial process. Taking the time to communicate with your low voltage contractor will result in a spectacular end product that operates just the way you want and expect it to.
  • Why Should I Trust Pacific Audio & Communications Inc. With my Home Technology Needs?
  • We have over 25 years of experience in the industry and we just keep getting better. Through our experience we know the best products in the market and when to use them. All our smart home automation solutions are tried and true—fully tested for optimal results.
  • Something that makes us stand out is our commitment to customer support. Our past customers love us because we service everything we install with labor and equipment warranties included.
  • We do it all to offer comprehensive smart services including home theaters, whole house audio, wired and wireless networking, lighting systems, security and surveillance, motorized shades, power protection systems and smart home control integration.
Looking for a low-voltage contractor to take care of your home technology needs? We specialize in the outer island market (Maui, Kauai, Big Island) and we’re here to take care of you. Contact us to set up a consultation!

PAC Office Opening On Oahu


How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

  • Remote Monitoring to Anticipate Needs
  • Quick Service and Maintenance of System
  • Professional Support for Your Technology


Why You Need Expert Support for Your Home Automation System

The benefits of a smart home automation system are endless. You get intuitive, centralized control of all the technology in your Oahu, Hawaii home including lighting, security, entertainment and more. This adds a level of convenience to your everyday lifestyle, but only if your system is running smoothly. Our services don't end at installation. We want to make you a client for life, offering customer support and remote monitoring of your technology, so any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Remote Monitoring of Your System

To ensure the health of your system and reduce the amount of downtime during any service call, we implement remote monitoring service plans that allow us to recognize issues preemptively and repair them quickly.
  • Our team receives alerts whenever a component of your smart home automation system is not functioning properly.
  • In most occasions, we can log-in to your system remotely and resolve the issue without having to schedule a service call.
  • Through remote management, we can also apply upgrades to your equipment to keep it running reliably and securely.

Efficient and Reliable Service Calls

There are a few benefits to having a home automation expert on hand:
  • Quick Access to Experts: If you buy smart products on your own, you may find yourself wasting hours of valuable time trying to resolve a problem or finding someone with the expertise necessary to help. With one of our installations, you can put us on quick-dial, and we're here to help with issues ranging from cable service interruption to reprogramming smart control devices.
  • Expert Knowledge of Your System: We know every little detail about your smart home automation system. We have your design plans and programming codes on hand. This makes it easier to identify problems and resolve them.

Quick Replacement of Parts

  • Remote management lets us recognize if a new part is needed whether it’s a new thermostat or matrix switcher.
  • With prior knowledge of your system, we know the exact make and model of the product you need.
  • A direct line of communication with the top manufacturers in the industry lets us get your replacement part in a matter of days to speed up your repair.
To enjoy the full convenience of a smart home automation system in your Oahu property, you need to make sure it’s working properly at all times. Contact Pacific Audio and Communications to set up a consultation and sign up for one of our remote service plans.


The Key to Increasing Property Value and Home Buyer Interest

The Key to Increasing Property Value and Home Buyer Interest

How Smart Home Automation Helps Sell Homes

Honolulu has a very hot real estate market. Whether you’re selling new homes or previously owned properties, it’s always a good idea to explore new ways to appeal to home buyers. And the trend that is hitting it big in Hawaii is definitely smart home automation. Historically, smart home technology has been limited to custom installations by individual homeowners, but real estate companies are starting to realize the advantages of upgrading homes with automation in order to sell properties fast for top dollar.

3 Reasons to Invest in Smart Home Automation

1.    It’s Growing More Popular (and It’s Here to Stay)

According to a recent study by Houzz, almost half of homeowners prioritize adding smart technology when renovating homes. It’s clear that smart devices are part of everyday life, so why not make it easy for buyers by giving them the technology right from the start?

2.    It Gives You an Edge on the Competition

Imagine how different the experience is for buyers when they walk into a fully automated home. The windows shades rise, the lights brighten, and the audio system starts playing music at the touch of a button or single spoken command.

When given the choice between that and a home without smart technology, it’s not difficult to guess which option is going to win.

3.    It’s Easy to Get Started

You don’t have to integrate all of this technology yourself. By partnering with Pacific Audio & Communications, you can gain all the benefits of having technology-infused homes without any of the time or effort. You do the real estate work, and leave the rest to us.

Possible Technologies to Add to Homes (and Their Top Selling Points)

Once you decide to embrace the smart home automation movement, it’s time to explore the possibilities! There are a lot of smart technologies out there, but not all of them are an ideal fit for new home buyers.

Here are the options we recommend that real estate companies consider:

1.    Lighting Control

We can connect all of the lights throughout the home to one central management system. With this technology, you can adjust a single light, a certain area, or the entire home with one tap on your smartphone or tablet. It’s convenient, it can help keep energy bills low, and it’s great for enhancing a home’s décor.

SEE ALSO: Interior Designers’ New Best Friend: Home Lighting Control

2.    Motorized Shades

Motorized shades give a “wow factor” to each room. With zero manual effort, the shades can raise or lower upon command. The biggest selling point for motorized shades is their energy-efficiency—we can add smart sensors to the windows that automatically adjust the shades to avoid solar heat gain, which keeps energy bills low.

3.    Climate Control

There’s a reason why Nest Learning Thermostats are so popular. Homeowners love how easy it is to set the temperature from their smartphone. We can go beyond just a smart thermostat though. Ask us about our full climate and energy management solutions.

4.    Smart Security

Security is usually top of mind for home buyers. Make it easy for them with an already integrated security solution that includes surveillance cameras, smart door locks, window sensors, and more.

5.    Professional Networking

The last thing you want is to be showing a home and have the potential home buyers discover that they have no cell service or Wi-Fi access in certain areas. Ensure reliable coverage in every room with a professional networking installation. Cellular boosters and wireless access points are strategically placed throughout the home for top-notch performance.

Whether you’re in Honolulu, Kauai, or another area of Hawaii, Pacific Audio & Communications is your smart home automation expert. We work with builders, interior designers, real estate agents, homeowners, and more to develop high-quality, easy-to-use technology.

Contact us today for more information.

New 24/7/365 Tech Support offered.

New 24/7/365 Tech Support offered.



Offering Tech Support 24/7/365 via text, phone or email

Have you been down and out with your electronics not working, Cable box keeps locking up, Internet seems slow or your network seems to have slowed down some, well give us an email or a call at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.808-824-3495, 24/7/365 availability, 30-minute response time.

As systems get more and more complicated and businesses come and go you can count on our 26yrs in the industry to get your systems back up and running 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Yup anytime you have an issue just reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 808-824-3495 and we will be glad to help. If the line is busy just send us an email as well we will get right back to you one way or the other.

We are dedicated to the ongoing service and support of equipment and training of our clients.

Service is our full-time job.  We provide:
  • 24/7/365 availability, 30-minute response time
  • Email or phone (text support coming soon)
  • 70+% of support requests are resolved over the phone or email.
Our technical assistance center is comprised of PAC employees that are among the most capable and certified experts in the industry. These experts will guide you through preliminary trouble shooting, remote diagnosis, testing and resolution.

  • Superior Response Time 24/7/365 availability, 30-minute response time
  • Real Time Problem Diagnosis and Resolution
Our directResponse Support program ensures end to end support across the full life-cycle of collaborative technology ensuring maximum system up time, efficient end user operation and expert network assistance.

  • U.S. Based Technical Assistance Centers
  • Available 24/7 Technical Support 30-minute response time
  • Scheduled End User Training and on site troubleshooting and tech support when needed.
Don’t let your electronics frustration get the best of you or your system. Contact us today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.808-824-3495 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We will answer your calling.

Happy Clients

Happy Clients

Another happy client, this one from our Kauai office, Mr Gary Henderson.

It is a real pleasure to recommend the services of Pacific Audio and Communication. They just installed a Home Theater System in our Large Room and a beautiful, fully controllable, dispersed audio (music) system throughout our house. Alex designed the system(s) and Chris did the installation. Both are real \"pros\" - knowledgeable, great sense of what the client needs are, meticulous in their work, and lightening fast in responding to questions/concerns.
I am an Apple \"addict\", a bit concrete in my thinking, like designs that are minimal/clean, modern, and don\'t like to be oversold on things I don\'t really need (am I a customer from hell?). Well, I was completely won over by Pacific Audio! They patiently educated me on the state-of-the-art AV technology, worked with me through multiple design changes, installed everything with minimal disruption (e.g., ceiling speakers in every room, but did not require a bit of touch-up painting or clean-up), and their \"tech support\" rivals Apple (I\'m not kidding).
My last request of them? Could you please move my new (BIG) flat-screen TV down a bit (4 inches!!!). Their response? \"No problem\" and was done the next day (even though it took two people because it is really big and heavy).
I can give you many more examples of \"beyond my expectations\", but just let me conclude with -
I heartily recommend Pacific Audio & Communications, enthusiastically, and without any reservations Gary Henderson




Hawaii 40
HI 1
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