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Building Automation Solutions Positively Impact Hotel Operating Budgets

Building Automation Solutions Positively Impact Hotel Operating Budgets

Pacific Audio & Communications Creates Energy Efficient Systems in Maui, HI

Hawaii depends heavily on the use of petroleum for its energy needs, more than any other state in the country. While less than one percent of the United States’ electricity is generated using oil, by contrast, Hawaii relies on oil for 69.4 percent of its electricity production. Therefore, the state’s electricity prices are more than double the U.S. national average. What does this mean for luxury Maui, Hawaii hotels? Building automation systems allow hoteliers to effectively and efficiently manage energy consumption throughout their properties. Read on to learn about how to get started.

SEE ALSO: How to Distribute Quality Audio and Video in Your Business

Develop an Energy Management Plan

Knowing there is a better way to manage the use of energy within your hotel is a valuable realization but will do nothing to impact your bottom line unless there is an action that follows. The first step is to study how electricity is used throughout the property, where is energy being wasted or conserved. Such an evaluation will yield ways to save and therefore reduce consumption. Are spaces such as ballrooms and conference areas fully illuminated even when not in use? Can the temperature automatically be monitored and adjusted so that you need not rely on staff? The experts at Pacific Audio & Communications can make recommendations about a variety of building automation solutions that can further hotel management staff reaching their energy goals. Consider harvesting daylight by using motorized shades that respond intuitively based on the amount of available sunlight. Lights and shades can be paired to help keep large spaces from overheating resulting in an HVAC system that performs more efficiently.

Form a Team

As you develop an energy management program, you’ll want to be sure to include key employees as well as training focused on electricity-saving steps they can employ. The number of members and the team make-up will depend on the size of the organization and the amount of time and resources that can be committed to the project. Team members may also include local utility representatives or outside consultants familiar with the hotel industry.

Evaluate a Hotel’s Lighting System

A typical hotel is made up of many subsystems from water and ventilation to security and AC. A hotel’s lighting is often a good starting point since you’ll have data related to usage. Proper lighting within a hotel property requires some of the most sophisticated design. Each space within the hotel, think guest rooms, lobbies and restaurants, all need different types of lighting to create the right atmosphere. If the light is not used correctly, you’ll not only fail to set the mood, but you’ll also drive up costs related to electricity. At PAC, we partner with the best lighting designers to help you evaluate the way in which you currently use light throughout your property and the means by which you can control it. Light switches and dimming knobs are an antiquated way to adjust lighting levels. A commercial lighting control system allows you the flexibility to easily adjust lights using a keypad, hand-held remote or smart device. Hotel staff can easily recall specific lighting scenes to set the mood in various spaces throughout the property. Dimmers, sensors and timers all aid in the reduction of energy consumption.

PAC building automation systems have many additional capabilities to assist hoteliers with energy management. We’ve only just scratched the surfaces when it comes to upgrading the various systems in your hotel and would welcome the opportunity to talk to you in more detail about the possibilities.

  1240 Hits

We Have Moved To Our New Kauai Offices And Showroom!

We've recently moved to a new building and we're excited to announce all of the features you can enjoy for your integrated electronic needs.

Our new 3000 sqft facility will have dedicated offices for admin, design and engineering, programming, staging, rack building, project management and of course a full showroom and conference/meeting space. All better to support our clientsIf you'd like to schedule a visit, give us a call at our new phone number: (808)3 20-8463And visit us at our new location: 1587 Haleukana St. Ste. 101 lihue Hi 96766

  1528 Hits

How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

How to Keep Your Smart Home Running Smoothly

  • Remote Monitoring to Anticipate Needs
  • Quick Service and Maintenance of System
  • Professional Support for Your Technology


Why You Need Expert Support for Your Home Automation System

The benefits of a smart home automation system are endless. You get intuitive, centralized control of all the technology in your Oahu, Hawaii home including lighting, security, entertainment and more. This adds a level of convenience to your everyday lifestyle, but only if your system is running smoothly. Our services don't end at installation. We want to make you a client for life, offering customer support and remote monitoring of your technology, so any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Remote Monitoring of Your System

To ensure the health of your system and reduce the amount of downtime during any service call, we implement remote monitoring service plans that allow us to recognize issues preemptively and repair them quickly.
  • Our team receives alerts whenever a component of your smart home automation system is not functioning properly.
  • In most occasions, we can log-in to your system remotely and resolve the issue without having to schedule a service call.
  • Through remote management, we can also apply upgrades to your equipment to keep it running reliably and securely.

Efficient and Reliable Service Calls

There are a few benefits to having a home automation expert on hand:
  • Quick Access to Experts: If you buy smart products on your own, you may find yourself wasting hours of valuable time trying to resolve a problem or finding someone with the expertise necessary to help. With one of our installations, you can put us on quick-dial, and we're here to help with issues ranging from cable service interruption to reprogramming smart control devices.
  • Expert Knowledge of Your System: We know every little detail about your smart home automation system. We have your design plans and programming codes on hand. This makes it easier to identify problems and resolve them.

Quick Replacement of Parts

  • Remote management lets us recognize if a new part is needed whether it’s a new thermostat or matrix switcher.
  • With prior knowledge of your system, we know the exact make and model of the product you need.
  • A direct line of communication with the top manufacturers in the industry lets us get your replacement part in a matter of days to speed up your repair.
To enjoy the full convenience of a smart home automation system in your Oahu property, you need to make sure it’s working properly at all times. Contact Pacific Audio and Communications to set up a consultation and sign up for one of our remote service plans.


  1467 Hits




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